Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The First

I am not dying or anything, but I felt a sudden need to share my immense wisdom with the two of you.
Pearl one: when you get married, go ahead and register for stuff--but only provide the information if you're asked. Your wedding is the one last time in your life when you just get a ton of presents for no reason (I guess being married is a reason, but you don't have to survive cancer or graduate from law school (ah hem!) or anything). All I'm saying is why ruin the surprise? There's nothing more soul crushing than opening a present that's all wrapped so what's inside will be a "secret" and realizing that it's one of the 500 hand towels you registered for. Maybe other people made more awesome choices on their registries, but I really like awesome things a lot more than dumb things. And the things you get "off the registry" will always be awesome. Except we got this one game and when we opened it, it had already been used--it was one of those games where you have to write stuff down and the pencils were all nubbins and all the paper had been used up. That was a bummer.
So, Jane especially should keep this in mind--since she's apparently on the cusp of marriage with a very special young man. Justin Bieber. I already thoroughly dissed him in one post today and then got chewed out for it, so I'll leave it to you to think about the ramifications.

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