Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Things I don't like

1. coke machine that either won't accept your cash or will accept it and then won't tell you until it accepts it that the coke cherry zero is sold out and then you say, okay, we'll have a regular coke zero but then it gives you a diet coke! THEY'RE NOT THE SAME!
2. I have to have a mango every day or I will die. Except I didn't have one today.
3. I might not go to school tomorrow.


  1. How come "you might not go to school tomorrow" is a thing you don't like? I might not go to school today and, even though it's because my gut feels like a hell-party that kept me up late and woke me up early, I'm thrilled by the prospect.

  2. I might not go to school tomorrow! But actually, I am kind of jealous..I wish I had to go to school! It would break up the work week nicely.
    And Annie, I don't know why you are messing around with Coke anyway. If you are going to go with Coke brand you should always do Diet Dr. Pepper (sometimes the cherry one is good).
    Either that or screw the diet and get a nice crisp mountain dew.
